Why Is The Lender Asking To See My “ALTA Best Practices Manual”?

You're not really even sure what a Best Practices Manual is.  Your title insurance underwriter has been telling you for months that you need to prepare one.   You planned to, but you've been waiting for the "right time". . . when things slow down a little.  Now, the lender on that big closing this week needs to see your manual in 48 hours or the loan isn't funding.  Don't panic, Best Practices Solutions has you covered - our sole focus is preparing "ALTA Best Practices Manuals" for law firms and … [Continue Reading]

What are ALTA’s “Pillars of Best Practices”?

Lately, there is a lot of discussion about the "Pillars of Best Practices" proposed by the American Land Title Association (ALTA).  What is meant by the "pillars" and what exactly are the "best practices"? For the background of how the title insurance industry arrived at this point, please click here. Thankfully, ALTA worked with the banking industry and the regulators at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to avoid the expensive and invasive "vetting" companies some lenders were … [Continue Reading]

Hire Us To Prepare Your ALTA Best Practices Manual

The highest and best use of your time does not include plodding through websites and seminar materials trying to figure out how to prepare an ALTA Best Practices Manual; you have much better ways to spend your time. Let Best Practices Solutions prepare your manual, so you can spend your time doing production work, marketing, or even better, being home with your family. We've already spent hours and days learning about the requirements for ALTA Best Practices Manuals so you don't have to. … [Continue Reading]

Customized Best Practices Manuals

Do you need a manual for a multi-office title agency or a large firm with more than six attorneys? We can prepare a manual for you too.

Don't see what you're looking for or have a special request? Call us toll-free at 1-844-MANUAL-1 and we will get it done for you.

Best Practices Solutions LLC (BPS) is not a law firm and does not provide legal services to its customers. As such, communications with BPS and its employees are not protected under any attorney-client privilege or work product privilege. BPS' documents our clients’ existing closing and title policies and procedures as they relate to the “Pillars of Best Practices” suggested by the American Land Title Association. BPS cannot and does not provide any kind of legal advice, explanation, opinion, or recommendation about possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, available choices, or strategies. If you require legal advice or legal assistance, you must engage the services of an attorney licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction. BPS customers are solely responsible for the accuracy and sufficiency of the information provided to be included in the “Best Practices Manual,” the implementation of the policies and procedures, and the need to periodically review and update the manual and train their staff. BPS does not promise or guarantee results of any kind including, without limitation, whether a customer’s policies and procedures or manual prepared by BPS will satisfy: (i) any particular lender’s closing requirements or closing conditions; or (ii) any statute, regulation, rule, guideline, or other law of any federal, state, administrative or regulatory board or agency, or any bar association.